Feature shows in Artistree's Community Gallery

How to apply for solo and/or small group exhibits

above: Red Maples by Jo Levasseur

Artistree Community Arts Center is pleased to open our application to exhibit in our S. Pomfret gallery. We are now accepting applications from individual artists and artist groups to have an exhibit installed in one, two, or all three rooms in our gallery for a 4-week period.

We have a very limited number of slots available in our exhibit schedules for 2026 and 2027. Applications from both 2-D and 3-D artists living and working in VT/NH are welcomed. We strongly encourage becoming familiar with Artistree and with our gallery space before applying. 

Our space has three rooms available for exhibition, with gallery lighting and pedestals available for 3-D work. Please describe any specific installation needs in the notes section of the application. 

The sizes and fees for each room are -

  • Small Room +hall- ~225 sq.ft, 7' ceiling height - $100
    (this space is not optimal for 3-D work)
  • Medium Room- ~285 sq.ft., 8" ceiling, 2 windows - $100
  • Large Room- ~580 sq.ft., 9.5' ceiling, bay window - $150

Cost for entire gallery is $350, which can be split between 2 or 3 artists applying as a group. Artists who apply for one room will be pared with other applicants to create an entire exhibit. Artistree will install the exhibit and promote it on our website and other outlets, create flyers and a banner sign, and provide an opening reception for the public. Further promotions such as postcard mailings would be available at the artists' expense. We would like to encourage and facilitate any artist's talks, workshops, or demonstrations that the artists might like to hold during their exhibit.

Please scroll down to find the application. We suggest you read through the form and have all the information at hand before filling it out. Prices for work should include 35% commission to Artistree.

Thank you for your interest in exhibiting in our Gallery! Applications must be received by June 15, 2025, and we will notify all artists of decisions by June 30, 2025.

above: Cosmic Connections by Jennifer Dembinski

Contact exhibits@artistreevt.org with any questions.

Gallery Winter hours:
